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Does Breakthrough Education offer one-on-one tuition?Breakthrough Education offers exceptional group classes taught by our Head Tutor Kevin Xiao. If one-on-one tuition is preferred, please speak to the BT team to see which tutor is available. Our team of tutors consists of experienced VCE teachers, assessors and past students.
What are the prices for the tuition?Prices vary with different subjects at Breakthrough Education. Please speak to the Head of Admission, David Shields, for more details. 2023 Price Guide for classes: VCE (subject dependent): $35 - $45 per hour IB: $60 - $75 per hour Year 5-10: $30 - $40 per hour Scholarship & Selective Program: $35 - $45 per hour 2023 Individual prices: VCE & IB: $80 - $150 per hour Year 7-10: $60 - $90 per hour Scholarship & Selective Program: $60 - $90 per hour Assessments, materials and exam packs are charged in addition to classes per term.
Does Breakthrough Education Offer 1 to 1 Tuition?Breakthrough Education Offers 1 to 1 tutoring in the following areas: VCE: Maths, English, Science, Commerce & Language (Latin only) IB: Maths SL, HL & Chemistry SL, HL Year 5-10: Maths, English, Science & Scholarship/Selective We do not offer one to one tutoring for UCAT.
Can I do a trial lesson?Unfortunately, we do not accept trial lessons at Breakthrough Education (BT) - whether it is paid or unpaid. This is to ensure that our quality of teaching is maintained at a very high standard - we strive to ensure that disruptions to our existing students are minimised.
Can I join in mid-term once classes have started?Classes are often filled up very quickly at the start of the year so make sure to register as soon as you can to secure a spot. If you were successful in getting a place after classes commenced, Breakthrough Education will require students to attend some catch up classes on the challenging and critical topics covered in the previous lessons missed.
1、可以申请试听课吗?非常抱歉,我们 Breakthrough Education (BT)不接受任何试听课程——无论是付费的还是免费的。这是为了确保我们的教学质量保持在一个非常高的标准 - 我们努力确保最小化对现有学生的干扰。
3、创新教育(Breakthrough Education )是否提供一对一的辅导课?创新教育(Breakthrough Education)提供由我们主讲老师Kevin Xiao授课的班级课程。如果更喜欢一对一的辅导,请与创新教育(BT)团队联系,确认有哪位老师可用。我们的导师团队由经验丰富的 VCE 教师、评估员和过去的学生组成。
2、学费的价格是多少?创新教育(Breakthrough Education)的价格因不同科目而异。请我们的前台联系以了解更多详情。 小组课程 VCE小组课程($35 - $45 每小时) IB小组课程 ($60 - $75 每小时) 5-10 年级课程($30 - $40 每小时) 奖学金课程($35 - $45 每小时) 人价辅导 VCE/IB课程($80 - $150 每小时) 5-10 年级课程($60 - $90 每小时) 奖学金课程($60 - $90 每小时) 除了每学期的课程费用外,测试、材料和考试包费用另收。
5、开课后还可以入学吗?课程通常在年初开始时很快就被报满,因此请务必尽快注册以确保名额。如果您在开课后成功获得一个名额,创新教育(Breakthrough Education)将要求学生参加一些补习班,补习之前错过的课程中具有挑战性和关键性的主题。
4、如果我错过了上课怎么办?小组课程 我们所有的课程都有现场录制。如果你错过了一节课,我们可以在我们的校区或在您家里组织补课。请您及时联系我们的团队以尽快安排补课。 一对一课程 如果您无法上课 - 请在上课前24小时与您的导师安排其他时间。在 24小时内取消将无法再安排补课。
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